What is Systematic Withdrawal Plan?

What is systematic withdrawal plan?
SWP stands for a systematic withdrawal plan. In SWP, amount is deposited in a lump-sum. Choice of your scheme and the amount is withdrawn at a fixed interval.
SWP is just opposite to SIP. Where in SIP fixed amount is deposited at a fixed interval. One can say that SWP is a Cooler brother of SIP.
BUT why people need SWP? Well, let’s take an example suppose Mr. Fayada Singh is going to retire in, So MR. Singh decided to deposited Sum in Mutual Fund with the option of SWP
So he decided to invest 20,00,000 with 25,000 in SBI Mutual Fund. For the sake of simplicity, we have ignored income tax and other hefty calculations. After his investment would look something like this
No of installment =24
Amount withdrawn=600,000
Current value=1,990,519
Units left=696.6408
Cumulative units= 55,467.0589
From the above example, it is evident that SWP Act as a Stable income source.
It can be added as an additional income source for income and the withdrawal amount can be further reinvested to diversify in many portfolios and to add up you investing Game.
Just take an above example but instead of Mr. Fayda Singh his nephew Mr. Profit Singh (we told you he will be back) had invested the same amount in the same fund. We will look return for the same time period and he is investing this fund in Franklin India smaller companies
Fund here would be.
Amount invested=600,000
Amount value=789,280
Total value=27,79,799
And within 2year he has earned more than 700,000 plus the initial investment is also secure. This is just in 2 years and one should not forget best friend of Mr. Profit Singh i.e compound interest
In all and all SWP is a great form of investment and it is for everyone who can invest Lump sum